Tuesday, March 14, 2017

PCIe Layers Topics Discussions

The goal is to understand the PCIe Layers in terms of having the functionality..!!! Here are topics which needs to be discussed in order to get the verification done..!!! The goal is to understand the verification..!!! It will be great if we consider the following topics to be discussed..!!!

TL Layer has following important topics which needs to be understood..!!!

1) Different types of transactions must be understood..!!!
2) Need to understand the difference between posted and non-posted transactions..!!!
3) Need to understand the Virtual Channel and Traffic Class mapping mechanisms..!!!
4) Need to understand the Flow Control and Buffer space requirement mechanisms..!!!
5) Need to understand the ECRC generation and decoding logic..!!!
6) Need to understand the Requester and Completion logic..!!!

DL Layer has following important topics which needs to be understood..!!!

1) There should be usage understanding of DLCSM..!!!
2) Need to understand the all types of DLLP packets generations and transactions..!!!
3) Need to understand the flow control initialization mechanism..!!!
4) Need to understand the verification of power management packets..!!!

PL Layer has following important topics which needs to be understood..!!!

1) LTSSM needs to be understood and verified..!!!
2) Need to understand different types of TS1 and TS2 order set sequence format..!!!
3) Need to understand different types of PLP packets formation and verification..!!!
4) Need to understand different types of credit based mechanisms..!!!

All the above topics are important for doing PCIe verification..!!!

You can contact me..rakeshsachdev2003@gmail.com

Stay tuned for next update..Have A Great Day..!!!